The following instructions are for K-12 teachers using Google Classroom with their school.
Step 1: Go to and click the SIGN UP button in the upper right hand corner. Select TEACHER on the first registration screen.
Step 2: Click on GOOGLE LOGIN. Sign in using your google credentials and follow the prompts.
Step 3: Find your school or input your school information.
Step: 4 Add your contact info and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
Step 5: Select your first Google Class to import.
Step 6: Select the students in the class that you would like to register/participate. Each student that you select will be automatically registered with their own account associated with their Google Classroom credentials.
Step 7: Select a challenge. Your students can only submit to challenges that you add to the class.
Step 8: Welcome to your teacher dashboard. Each student in your class now has a Future Engineers account and is listed in your student roster.
Step 9: Your students can access their account and submit entries by clicking LOGIN in the upper right hand corner of the Future Engineers platform. You can also provide students with the direct link: Students need to select LOGIN WITH GOOGLE to login using their Google Classroom credentials.